

Attending my friends' White Coat ceremonies made me proud and helped me realize that everyone's journey, including mine, unfolds at its own pace.

With two bouquets in hand, I entered the theater hall, finding a seat among the crowds of families and friends. It was my friends’ White Coat ceremony, and like many there, I came to support the people I cherished.

This was not my first White Coat ceremony. The month before, I attended another friend’s ceremony, watching as he put on his very first white coat to began his journey through medical school. Today, I was there for two more friends as they entered pharmacy school. 

It has been over a year since I graduated from college. Since then, I have been balancing work and studying to retake my MCAT. Meanwhile, my friends have each started new chapters in their lives. 

Watching them step into these new roles, I marveled at how far they have come. I have seen firsthand how hard my friends have worked to get where they are today. But as proud as I was, I could not ignore the creeping sense of being behind and unintentionally compare my journey to theirs.

I thought back to a conversation I had with one of my friend. As I shared my feelings, he gently reminded me that everyone’s path is different. His words helped me realize that my friends’ successes do not diminish my own progress. Instead, they highlighted the diverse ways we all grow.

As I listened to the speeches from honorary guests, I gazed at the stage. One day, I will walk down to be coated my very own white coat. But today, I am there to support my friends, to celebrate their achievements, and to cheer them on with all my heart.

When their names were called, I yelled with all my might so they knew just how proud I was of them.

My journey is still unfolding, and I’m learning to appreciate each step along the way. And for now, I’m grateful to be here, cheering for the people I care about as they take their next steps forward.

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